Father Des Wilson
In his book, The Way I See It, Fr. Des Wilson wrote "one way to understand what happened in the north of Ireland is to think of a constant creation of alternative education, alternative welfare, alternative theatre, broadcasting, theological and political discussion, public inquiries and much else. They also created at various times alternative police and alternative armies. The authorities who had power over these in the past were and still are engaged in an equally constant struggle to regain total control of them. With only limited success, fortunately.”
Born and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Fr. Des Wilson was a community activist and advocate for education who played a significant role in the founding and development of the Springhill Community House and Conway Mill Education project, among other initiatives. Known as "the People's Priest", Fr. Des dedicated his life to helping and defending the people in his community, and working toward a peaceful resolution of The Troubles.
By supporting Springhill Community House, Conway Mill Education Project, and similar projects, we at Conway Mill Trust strive to continue promoting and upholding the work of Fr. Des Wilson.